In my opinion, one of the best natural pain relievers for menstrual cramps is herbal tea! In general, I prefer not to use over-the-counter medicine. If there is a natural solution, I will usually try that instead. Over the years, I’ve discovered that herbal teas work very well for me during that special time of the month.
Herbal Teas For Period Cramps
Aunt Flo. The expected, yet uninvited, guest. You know exactly what I’m talking about! I personally call it The Monthly Blessing! 😂 I coined the term years ago in an attempt to make the monthly event more positive for myself. It’s all about perspective, right? Every month, one thing I am blessed to endure is cramps. There are wonderful medicinal properties in natural herbs that are very helpful when it comes to dealing with cramps. So which herbal teas help provide pain relief from period cramps?
Here’s my trusty list of herbal teas for period pain relief!
Of course, individual responses to herbal remedies can vary. I am not a doctor, so definitely consult a healthcare professional, (or better yet, The Great Physician 🙏) before you introduce any herbal remedy into your monthly blessing routine.
1. Raspberry leaf tea
Cramp relief
Balances hormones
Good for uterine health
Rich in nutrients
2. Peppermint tea
Menthol has pain relieving properties
Relaxes the muscles in your uterus
Helps relieve bloating
Calms and reduces stress
Can help stop headaches
3. Spearmint tea
Aids in the balance of hormones
Contains Menthol pain relieving properties
Helps reduce inflammation
4. Cinnamon tea
Puts a pause on cramps
Reduces inflammation
Regulates blood sugar
Combats bloating and gas
Helps to regulate mood swings
5. Ginger tea
Helps stop cramps
Relaxes the muscles in your uterus
Stops gas, bloating and nausea
Improves blood circulation
Supports hormonal balance
Helps improve your mood
6. Chamomile tea
Fizzles out cramps
Reduces stress
Provides overall body relaxation
Improves sleep
Stops gas, bloating and nausea
Helps reduce inflammation
Calms headaches
7. Hibiscus tea
Helps stop cramps
Aids in regulating blood pressure
Assists in balancing hormones
Helps with bloating
Promotes hydration
Can help boost your mood
It’s really easy to steep any of these herbs in hot water for 5 to 10 minutes, and then drink the tea. (Refer to my post here about how to create the perfect cup of tea.) When cramps are slamming me particularly hard, I simply double the amount of tea bags and water in a large tea tumbler, and guzzle it down until the pain subsides!
I also use the following tea blends for fast relief:
Additional Cramps Relief Tip
Grab a hold of 15 minutes and sit in a stress-free and relaxing place. Take a moment to sit quietly and calm your mind. Find some soothing music to play in the background, while you take time to relax. If you can, place a heating pad on your stomach to help alleviate more discomfort. Lastly, lift that comforting, warm cup of herbal tea to your lips, and sip away all period unpleasantness for those precious few moments.
Try these herbal tea suggestions and tips to help get you through the monthly blessing!
Do you drink herbal tea for period cramp pain relief? Share your tips in the comments below!