Tea Relaxation
At the end of a long day, what better way to find rest, than with tea relaxation? What is tea relaxation, you may ask? It’s simple! Finding moments of refreshment, with a soothing cup of tea and a relaxing activity.
The common saying is that you need to put your own oxygen mask on before you help others. We must recharge, in order to have the strength that we need to help others. I often find that I extend myself until I’m too exhausted to help me or anyone else – and let’s face it, that’s not good! So this summer, I am determined to create a good weekly rest routine! A wise person once said, when you have a very busy schedule, if you don’t put something on the calendar, it very likely won’t happen. We need to put rest on our calendars! We must take care of ourselves, so that we can be at our best for ourselves and for the people in our lives. If the thought of taking time for rest seems impossible for you, I’d like to offer some simple easy ways for you to get started…with tea, of course! Here are three easy ways to incorporate tea relaxation.
“Sprawled out with a book and a cup of tea, living my best cozy life!”
What a lovely and easy way to get some rest! Whether reclined on a couch, or delightfully stretched out on a blanket in the grass, this is a splendid way to take a moment to relax.
“Pampering my feet with a soothing soak, a perfect playlist, and a steaming cup of tea!”
A soothing foot soak is a great way to pamper your overworked feet! Add a cup of tea and a peaceful music playlist for good measure!
“Creative soul time with my Bible and journal!”
Bible journaling is a great way to meditate on God’s Word and receive incredible peace. We regain peace whenever our minds remain focused on God.
Don’t Forget The Tea!
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Have I mentioned that you can also add to your restful moment with a good cup of tea? 😆Whether fruity or herbal, teas serve to enhance your relaxation experience. Here’s a simple and fun recipe to try for a relaxing, summer fruity tea experience. (Also, check out this post to learn more about cold brew tea!)
Add your teaspoons of loose leaf tea to a paper filter, and place it in a mason jar. Add water and leave it in the fridge overnight. In the morning, simply remove the filter, add ice, blended fruit and enjoy! For an added touch, try adding a sprig of mint, a nip of honey or even some sparkling water. You can end your day sitting quietly drinking your tea, while watching the sunset. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Tea and relaxation = tea relaxation!
Go Forth and Sip Jolly Tea Drinkers!
Self-care is as important as all of the other things that you do during any given week. Don’t let yourself go another day without scheduling time to take care of yourself. How can we help others or accomplish anything, if we don’t have the strength or mental capacity to do it? Taking time to rest will help your mind and body to reset and recharge. So be sure to get in your weekly tea relaxation, especially before your next summer adventure!
What do you do for self care? Let us know in the comments below!